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Über Antje Vogler BedenkensWerkerin:
Welcome to the professional world of Antje Vogler, where expertise in coaching, organizational consulting, supervision, and gestalt therapy converge to offer transformative solutions for both your professional and personal growth. At our core, we are dedicated to fostering development through a spectrum of specialized services tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations alike. For professionals and businesses, we provide organizational development, coaching for navigating both professional and private challenges, case and team supervision, mindfulness practices, and soft skills seminars. These services are designed to enhance your professional profile, balance work-life dynamics, and invigorate your team's collaboration and innovation. On a personal level, Antje Vogler offers solution-focused short-term coaching, long-term psychotherapy, bodywork, crisis intervention, and couple counseling. These interventions are crafted to promote satisfaction with oneself and one's relationships, clear thinking for successful actions, and a compassionate understanding of one's physical and emotional well-being. Our approach is characterized by a clear, empathetic, and dynamic engagement, ensuring that every interaction is tailored to bring clarity and progress. We invite you to experience the profound impact of our work. Reach out to us to discuss how we can support your journey towards personal and professional fulfillment and request a free quote to begin your transformation. Lesen Sie mehr
Gesundheitscoach & Ernährungsberatung
Familie & Beziehung
Burnout / Stress Coach
Vor Ort
Persönliches- / Lebenscoach
Familien - / Kindercoach
Sonstige persönliche Coachings
Burn-out / Stress
Persönliches- oder Lebenscoaching
Familien- oder Beziehungscoaching
Ernährungsberatung, Gesundheitscoaching & Personal Trainer
Business- & Managementcoaching
Sonstige Coachings
Keine Präferenz
Coaching für Frauen
Kinder- & Jugendcoaching
Öffnungszeiten unbekannt
Warum uns wählen?
check_circle1. Professionelles Coaching auf Augenhöhe