Peifer-Hörschler GmbH is a renowned company that has been serving its customers with dedication and expertise since its inception in September 1993. We started small, but our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has led us to develop a diverse range of products and services. Our offerings are designed to provide individualized solutions, catering to the unique needs of each client. Our extensive range of services includes the provision and installation of windows, doors, canopies, and carports. We also specialize in floor sanding and parquet flooring, ensuring that every aspect of your home or business premises is taken care of with precision and professionalism. But our expertise doesn't stop there. We also offer roofing services, skylight installation, immediate roof repair services, and plumbing work. At Peifer-Hörschler GmbH, we distinguish ourselves by our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction. We understand that every project is unique, and we strive to provide solutions that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of professionals is dedicated to delivering high-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service, ensuring that every project we undertake is completed to the highest standards. We invite you to experience the difference that our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction can make. Request a free quote today and let us help you bring your vision to life. Lesen Sie mehr
Modernisierung / Umbau
Reparatur / Sturmschaden
Dachdämmung (Isolierung)
Dach Neubau
Bitumen (Teerdecke) / Dachpappe
Kunststoffdach (PVC / EPDM)
Öffnungszeiten unbekannt
Warum uns wählen?
check_circle1. Gegründet im September 1993, bringt Peifer-Hörschler GmbH jahrelange Erfahrung mit.
check_circle2. Bietet eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen, einschließlich Fenster, Türen, Vordächer und Carports.
check_circle3. Spezialisiert auf Bodenschleiferei und Parkettverlegung.
check_circle4. Bietet zusätzliche Dienstleistungen wie Bedachungen, Dachfenstereinbau und Dachreparatur-Sofortservice.
check_circle5. Führt auch Klempnerarbeiten durch, was zusätzliche Bequemlichkeit für Kunden bietet.